7 Tips To Make a Good Email Ad’s

At some point in their online journey, everyone encountered an email advertisement that was overly difficult to read or had text so poorly formatted that it was virtually impossible to decipher.

When I receive such emails—which happens far too often—I do what most people do: I promptly delete them and move on to the next message. Have you ever wondered if your email might be the one getting deleted? How confident are you in the format of your emails? Do you adhere to established “Email Etiquette”? Are you aware such guidelines exist?

Initially, when I began advertising online, I was uncertain if my advertisements were reaching anyone, much less if they met any etiquette standards.

Each email server follows a general set of formatting rules, but each applies its nuances, resulting in various email appearances. With countless servers and rule variations, can anyone ensure their emails maintain a consistent, professional look across all platforms?

The answer is generally “YES!” I say ‘generally’ because some of the email servers are configured in a way that if you don’t use their sending and receiving mail system, it’s difficult to predict how your emails will appear to the recipients.

However, by following the 7 tips I’ve outlined below, you can ensure that about 95% of your emails will appear as intended when they reach their recipients. As for the other 5%, just do your best—that’s all anyone can do.

Tip No.1: Opt for Text Formatting Over HTML

There are three reasons to send your advertisements in text format rather than HTML:

  1. Many email users cannot receive HTML emails. Whether their email systems don’t support HTML or they’ve disabled HTML viewing, a significant portion of your audience might miss your emails if they’re in HTML format.
  2. HTML emails take longer to load, which can frustrate users who prefer to quickly click through their emails.
  3. People often delete HTML emails before they even fully open, especially if they appear to be advertisements.

Tip No.2: Always Run Spell Check on Your Emails

I’ve received numerous emails with typos and spelling errors. No matter how good your spelling is, always use a spell checker to avoid those little embarrassments before sending your emails.

Tip No.3: Format Your Documents Properly

A good line length for email text is 55 to 60 characters. While old typewriters made this easy, word processors require manual line breaks, which can be time-consuming and inconsistent across different email servers. A better approach is to use formatting tools which can help streamline this process.

email communication

Tip No.4: Keep Your Paragraphs Short

Email is not the same as reading print; long paragraphs are hard to digest. Keep paragraphs to two or three sentences to make your emails easier to read.

Tip No.5: Keep Your Ads Concise and Direct

You have about 10 to 15 seconds to grab a reader’s attention with an email. Your goal is not to make a sale directly through email but to direct readers to your website, where you can fully engage them.

Tip No.6: Be Polite and Always Say Thank You

Courtesy goes a long way. Always thank your readers for their time, add a personal touch by including your real name and email address, and encourage them to contact you. This approach builds rapport and can lead to increased engagement.

Tip No.7: Don’t Rush Your Emails

Before sending an email, set it aside and review it after a day or so. You’ll often find improvements you want to make, which can prevent regrets about missed communication opportunities.

Remember, your email acts as a window into who you are and what your business stands for. Make sure it’s clean and clear for the best impression.

Your email communication plays a crucial role in your business’s success. Make sure it represents you well.

Final words about email ad

Making effective email communications is both an art and a science. The way you format, compose, and deliver your emails can significantly influence how they are received and, consequently, the impression they leave on your recipients.

By adhering to established email etiquette and refining your approach based on practical tips, you can elevate the clarity and professionalism of your messages. Remember, each email you send out is a representation of you and your business; make it count. Strive to make each interaction as clear and engaging as possible to maximize your chances of making a positive impact. Ultimately, the care you put into your emails can build stronger relationships and enhance your business reputation. Keep these principles in mind, and watch your digital communication thrive.